Clifton Village
Learning through play helps young children to learn and develop through “doing and talking”, which research has shown to be the means by which young children think. The children are offered a carefully planned environment chosen to provide broad learning opportunities using the national guidelines for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) as a framework.
The overarching aims of the EYFS are to help children achieve the EVERY CHILD MATTERS five outcomes:
1. Staying safe
2. Being healthy
3. Enjoying and achieving
4. Making a positive contribution
5. Achieving economic wellbeing
The EYFS aims to help children achieve the 5 outcomes by:
1. Setting Standards
2. Promoting equality of opportunity
3. Creating a framework for partnership working
4. Improving quality and consistency
5. Laying a secure foundation for future learning and development
Please read the parents guide to the EYFS attached to find out more information about learning through play.
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